Well this is awwwwkward…
I am doing something unusual for me today – I am working on the blog in
public. Normally I hole up at home to
write, but today I decided to pack up the computer and head to Panera to write
a review. It just so happens that the
Panera I chose is a couple doors down from our favorite Trader Joe’s. And it appears that there is a bit of a TJ’s
employee meeting happening here even as I type!
Several TJ’s peeps are decked out in their TJ’s attire eating and
chatting nearby! (Not near enough for me
to be eavesdropping, mind you, or for THEM to see me setting out to write what
is sure to be a negative review of one of their products…) Like I said, awkward…
So yeah – Molten Salted Butterscotch Macarons. I mean – judging from the name alone – these
things have to be FABULOUS, right??!
Nothing about the name suggests anything other than greatness. I was excited when we saw these in the frozen
food section at TJ’s. We had been
invited over for a very belated Christmas celebration with our in-laws and we
were in charge of bringing dessert.
“Bam! Dessert chosen!” I thought
when we saw these. The serving size says
1 macaron, and there are 2 to a box. Our
dinner event would have 5 guests, so we weren’t sure how many boxes to
buy. We grabbed 2 boxes, thinking we
could cut them in half and people could grab at them until they were gone.
They look pretty on the box, don't they? |
We needn’t have worried.
Let’s just say, there was no fighting over these puppies.
They were easy to cook – you just bung them in the
microwave. Please note that “they were
easy to cook” statement, as it is likely to be the last positive statement
about this product in this review.
Reviewers were us and our in-laws, who are notoriously
LOW GRADERS on this blog. I usually take
that into account, that their opinion of products is consistently lower than
ours, but on this one, we were all pretty much agreed.
Photo with my hand so you can get the idea of how big these suckers are. |
Greg: “It has a… (VERY LOUD PRETEND BARFING SOUND)… I get a bitter, salty, BURNED taste (very ugly facial expression). I give these a -1. (Editor’s note – I explained that he could
not rate a product less than a 0, so he changed his score to a 0.)
Chris (our nephew, a senior in high school, who eats everything): “Well, I do agree with Dad… The mixture of flavors in the taste aspect is
a little more BITTER rather than
SWEET. And the wafers don’t add much
taste to the overall effect of the fake macarons. I think the caramel-y-ness of this dish is a
little overwhelming really. Out of a
possible 5 I would give this a 1.75.”
Chris LOOKS happy to be eating this dessert, but he was faking it. He is an actor. |
David: “I am gonna
say (pause to eat more…)…. Not a lotta
taste here (“Amen!” heard in the background from Chris). The macaroons are okay. I think they would be okay, they would be
BETTER with something CREAMY like whipped cream in the middle. This filling that they’ve got doesn’t really
make it for me. It is, as they said,
rather BURNED tasting. It is sliiiiightly sweet, but I don’t think it’s
a good idea. I am gonna give it a 2.25.”
Joan: “I LOVE
CARAMEL. I was excited to try this
dessert. I found the caramel VERY
disappointing. And the cookie – I left
that on my plate… . (Editor’s note: SNAP!
DAMN! COLD HEARTED!!! She didn’t even EAT the cookie part!) I took
the extra effort to LICK the caramel out of the center, but it doesn’t taste
very caramel-y. I still found it very
disappointing I give them a .5 .”
The macaron part was unworthy of Joan's attention. |
Susan: I, like Joan,
was VERY EXCITED about these. In fact I have
a picture of David with them in the store practically peeing his pants he was
so excited about them. Soooo – these definitely
did NOT live up to our expectation. The size is TOO BIG. They would be nicer if they were 6 little
petite teeny bits instead of 2 big honkin’ ones. The macarons are too thick. I don’t taste the same “burnt” taste that the
others tasted, and I also don’t taste the salt.
And Joan and I agree – it also doesn’t taste very CARAMEL-ish. But if it all came down to it, I would rather
have some caramel in a DISH and not this blob of stuff masquerading as
dessert. And Trader Joe’s makes some
DELICIOUS caramels. Those are more
worthy of your money and your calories. In
fact, Chris suggests that even a Werther’s candy would be more caramel tasting
and yummier. I like that these were
WARM. I like that the inside was
mushy. But these are a big disappointment. I would give these a 2.
See??? We were excited about them before we tasted them... |
One really lucky thing happened to our belated Christmas
dinner: Joan received an edible arrangement
– fruit dipped in chocolate – as a gift for helping a little old lady out
during the blizzard. So even though the
Molten Salted Butterscotch Macarons were a flop, the dinner was a big success
and we ate chocolate dipped fruit on sticks for dessert!!
We ended up returning the second box of these yucky
macarons to Trader Joe’s and of course, they took them back no questions
Overall review:
these are over-sized, over-priced, and super yucky. Don’t get them.
Price – $3.99
Rating (average of 5 reviewers) - 1.5
P.S. – We also went to see the hilarious political satire
group “The Capitol Steps” after dinner. If
you are ever in the DC region you should see them. Of course, given the current political
climate they have a LOT of funny material to choose from. It’s almost too easy, really. If you want to hear one of their songs you
can have a listen here (this is not my favorite one, they had one with Ruth
Bader Ginsberg that cracked me up.) Jeb song
Learn more about them here: Capitol Steps site
P.P.S. – Sales pitch from Chris – if you are in the
Northern Virginia area stop by TOBY’S HOMEMADE ICE CREAM AND COFFEE in
Westover. You can get a Salted Caramel
Ice Cream for $2.65 (small). Chris works
there. J